Marijuana and hemp are actually two entirely different plants in the same family (cannabis). Hemp is the one of the two that contains high levels of CBD. CBD is the main cannabinoid (chemicals found in cannabis) credited with therapeutic benefits in pets. More and more scientific research is showing that CBD is truly potent in alleviating symptoms of arthritis, inflammation, infection, anxiety, seizures, gastro-intestinal disorders, auto-immune diseases, cancer, back injury, and pain…and that’s why we’re cheering.

Are there risks? We always recommend you consult with your veterinarian first. But the products we carry are made from hemp, not medical marijuana, so the raw ingredient even before it’s processed contains naturally very low levels of THC (which is toxic to pets). In manufacturing, the THC in the CBD products we carry is completely processed out…which means there’s no THC toxicity, and no psycho-tropic (high-inducing) effect. So no, our CBD products will not make your pets ‘high’….but, you will probably notice he or she is happier as a result of simply feeling so much better.
Most often, the feedback from our customers on CBD products is around alleviating anxiety, arthritis and pain, but we are hearing more from customers who are using it for epilepsy, GI issues, OCD/behavioral problems, aggression, and motion sickness/nausea. We are excited about the benefits of CBD, and only recommend the highest quality CBD products backed with scientific research. Check out the FAQ’s on Su
perSnouts and Canna-Pet, and if you find yourself cheering too, you can find them on our web store.