Fish & Bone Howlaween Pet Photo Contest

Howlaween Pet Photo Contest image
The Top Cat and Top Dog entries that finish in first place each win a $200 Halloween Boo Basket with awesome toys, treats, food and more – including a $50 gift card good either in our stores or online!

Contest Rules and How to Enter

  • Submit your photo from 10/13/24  through 10/26/24 and include this information:
  • Post a photo of your pet in costume
  • Tag us! @thefishandbone
  • Hashtag your entry #fish&bone-halloween-2024
  • Winners will be determined by bracket voting.  One dog contestant and one cat contestant will emerge as Top Dog and Top Cat
  • Voting takes place 10/26 – 10/30/24 in bracket style.  Round 1, each dog will be paired with another dog contestant, and each cat with another cat contestant, and the winner moves onto the next round of voting. This continues until the last day, 10/30/24,  when we have final top two contestants and the winner of that voting round wins Top Dog and Top Cat and the prize Boo Basket!
  • Share on your stories and encourage their friends/family to vote!  The winner of each bracket is determined by number of votes, and advances to the next round!
  • Winners will be announced via Instagram on 10/31/24.  We will also DM the accounts of the winners.

Enter if you dare!

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