Marijuana and hemp are actually two entirely different plants in the same family (cannabis). Hemp is the one of the two that contains high levels of CBD. CBD is the main cannabinoid (chemicals found in cannabis) credited with…
Browsing Category Monday Meow!
Monday Meow: Pat the Cat
On Mondays we like to feature one fabulous feline. Know a cat with star power? Email us, we’d be purrrfectly delighted to interview your kitty! Pat, the Cat Bowl-Fillers, Litter Box Changers & Entertainment Staff:…
Monday Meow: Charlie
This is Charlie, a 1 yr old tuxedo/mix. As you can see, he likes finding comfortable places to hang out. This sink seems just right for a summer lounging spot! Celebrity alter ego: The…
Mattie the Adventurous
Mattie is a semi-frequent visitor to Fish & Bone. He’s quite courageous don’t you think? To brave all the city sounds and smells on his walkabout (or roll-about, or carry-about)? And not to mention, the…